State Assembly Honors The GRVAC and GRFD.
At the February 13th, Glen Rock council meeting, the GRFD and the GRVAC were awarded citations for commendations and praise from the Senate and General Assembly for their participation at the fire which leveled the Marcal factory in Elmwood Park. The award that was presented to the GRVAC was issued from Assemblywoman, Lisa Swain, and it was accepted by GRVAC Chief, Brian Markey. The GRVAC was called in to relieve the squad from Elmwood Park by providing support to the brave firefighters that were controlling the burning building. During working fires, first aid squads provide periodical rehabilitation services, rehab, that measure firefighter's vitals, so they can return to the stress and dangers of the event.
Pictured above are Asemblyman Chris Tully and Assemblywoman Lisa Swain flanking Chief Brian Markey, President Amy Bordman and other members from the GRVAC.
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